Mar 15, 2008

Free Blog Layout Templates For Bloggger Blogs

Image from stock.xchng - Darkdog - Buildings of the Ciudad de las artes y la ciencias, Valencia (Spain)Modify a Blogger Template Blog - Enhancement...

Experimenting with html and java script codes of Google's standard Blogger template for your blog can produce a more effective web site appearance. Currently only about 15 templates are available with the Blogger platform. To create a more web site appearance might portray a more streamlined semi-professional look. There are a few helpful tutorial sites that can help you achieve modifications to create a web site appearance for your blogger template.Image from stock.xchng - Darkdog - Buildings of the Ciudad de las artes y la ciencias, Valencia (Spain)

Blog template tutorials causes you to immerse yourself within the layout and codes structure within the template. Hence you get a better understanding (with patience and care) behind the scenes. Important - Backup your template in Blogger under the html section, by downloading your template file; Perhaps also backup online at blog backup online, a useful service. Also use preview within the Blogger layout section, before saving a modified template.

Tutorials such as: tips for new bloggers, blogger for dummies, blogger tricks, and the eye appealing blogger buster, all have all been very useful in teaching me to modify and enhance for free my blogger template layout. (If you know other tutorial sites - then please inform in the comments section). Sure, time consuming for modifying and testing, but worthwhile and perhaps pleasing or challenging to achieve a better blog appearance. Also, many sites have free Blogger templates that you can download and apply to you blog such as final sense and blogger-templates. Many Blogger template blogs are converted to the three column templates, and some good tutorials from the above links demonstrate how to do this.
Though, many blogger based sites are often relatively easy to notice (even a bit plain), there are some that look like the more advanced wordpress sites. This is often because wordpress templates have been imported in to the blogger template (or extensive script editing has been applied), such as from this site - dzelque. Template layouts also represent certain themes, e.g. for technology, marketing, advertising, etc, making it easier to instantly apply a preferred theme, without any or little blogger template script editing.

It’s not only the overall blog layout and appearance, but ideally select customization of the main post area, sidebars, header, and footer sections, which all can be modified independently. The Bloggers template layout section can initially help by adding elements (including html/java script element), but modifying the template code, and perhaps applying Feedburner optimization attributes can significantly enhance the blog's overall template - i.e. appearance to online visitors.
Additionally, it’s also important to optimize your free blogger blog template for actual visitor interaction, e.g. user-friendly subscription, appealing category layout, inclusion of post summaries, photos, links, visitor widgets (common with MyBlogLog), and so on. Appearance is important (i.e. looks with functionality), but so is the content, possible monetization, and how to effectively promote a blog…

Related post: How to Increase Visitors to Your Blog (My 39 methods)


1 comment:

Mauibob said...

If you want to learn how to accept credit cards, add widgets or convert your Blogger blog into a website, take a look at